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Written by Jennifer Bland


Posted on November 04 2022

Hey hey ya'll. As I'm sure many of you have noticed, I've been MIA. October was frankly a rough month. I kicked it off with a positive Covid test and my three kids have each taken turns with their own fevers, antibiotic doses, and rest, rest, rest.

In short, this has put me incredibly behind with not just laundry, but Veranda as well. As most of ya'll know, this is (mostly) a one-woman show with an assist here and there from my teenage son. And really - it's OK. Life happens. My store stayed open, orders were filled on time and got out the door. Everything kept running in a maintain-this-space way.

The thing that's gonna hurt in the end is our MUCH anticipated bath bomb launch. With the holiday rush and our biggest sale of the year bearing down on us, the bath bombs are simply shelved for the moment while your favorite items get their stock replenished. To make up for this, the current plan is to hit 'em hard at the start of 2023 and to introduce them with an equally amazing sale. I promise, it will be worth it!

So that's where we're at and what's up in this world. Don't forget to wash your hands (use good soap!), clean those doorknobs, and get vaccinated. Don't beat yourself up if you need to take a space to rest. I had to. After all, if you don't rest, sometimes your body will schedule that rest for you (I do not recommend). 

Stay weird and stay clean!



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